Maturity                  Volume 1 Number 1

    Works   !  Newsletter   March 2002                       Phone (250) 383-5144 ext 1548


Maturity Works Society of Greater Victoria is dedicated to support mature workers and dispel the myths surrounding ageism.


Greetings from the Dennis Ebert-Chairman


I am pleased to announce the creation of Maturity Works of Greater Victoria, a non profit society dedicated to enhancing employment opportunities an assistance for unemployed workers over 40.


The Board is entirely composed of workers who have been searching for employment in Victoria.  As a result of our collective experience, the Board Members have resolved to find ways to assist others over 40 through the daunting task of seeking employment


If you are interested in joining our group  in planning to design better supports for workers over 40, please contact us at (250) 383-5144 ext 1548.


My Age is Showing

By Mary Gavan


Jobless – new – over 40.  These were my vital statistics when I arrived in Victoria last summer.  When I approached job agencies, I learnt that I was a misfit: too much of this, too little of that.  Finally, one opened the door, then the door closed.


I learned that my surname had gained an astonishing ability to fall off lists.  I persevered from outside the door.  I focused on the sight of the door rather than the sound of the door closing.


Finally, I took a job finding course but three months later I was still jobless and over 40.  Refusing to stay out in the cold, I joined a group of other jobless people to forge a space for ourselves, to have a voice for ourselves and to have




again the opportunity to work.  This group is Maturity Works.


I invite you to come in out of the cold.  Join us.  We are workers over 40 determined to stand up, to have a voice and to get back to work.





Coming Events



March 21 ??????




Pacific Blinds and Shades

By Dennis Eberts, Chairman

The ad in the daily paper read, "Guys with older parts in hot demand". Maturity Works of Greater Victoria was intrigued, so we took a trip out to Pacific Blinds and Drapes off of Bridge Street in Victoria, to see what exactly was up with these guys and their older parts.


"Everywhere I go, people say they've seen that ad," says owner Roy Kuziw. He and his wife Dolores have owned Pacific Blinds for twenty-two years when they moved here from Alberta.  The company was founded in 1937.


Do Dolores and Roy have a policy for taking an interest in older workers? "Nothing is cast in stone..." says Roy.  Sometimes we have younger people work for us. But older people, say 35 and over have the experience and stability we need in our company." A. J., who is pictured in the ad with Roy, is a case in point.


A.J. had a successful window covering business in Dover, Plymouth in England. He sold his business and his house and made the move to Victoria. For two weeks after he arrived, he made the rounds looking for work. He phoned Pacific Blinds and enquired about a job.  Roy and Dolores were actually looking into hiring, but had only sent out a few feelers.  They decided they wanted to meet A.J.  They had two interviews,



then made A. J. an offer and after two days he accepted.  A.J. just loves it here, Victoria, that is, and Pacific Blinds as well.


Pacific Blinds has blinds and drapes, of course, as well as solar film for windows. They also service customers with repairs and cleaning. A few suppliers are Hunter Douglas and Louverdrapes.


Dolores says: " Older people offer a great deal because of their experience. Several years ago a company similar to ours closed, but the owner contacted us about one of his employees. She came down to see us and we hired her. Her interests, such as drafting and colour design, were already in place."


Another example, Dolores and Roy bought the company, but the previous owner stayed on and has been working at Pacific since as a technician - building roller blinds, verticals, roman shades and conducting general repair. "She's a senior, but her age seems to be more like 45," concludes Dolores.


Do you know any employers who have hired older workers, we would like to feature them in the next newsletter.  You can contact us at (250) 383-5144 ext 1548.



Useful Web Site for Job Search  Resumes, cover letters and much more  Resumes, cover letters, interview strategies for mature workers  Job and career resources for mature job seekers  Positive attitude is key for older workers and job seekers Transitioning military job books



Did you know that……




Spectrum Community Association is running an Older Workers Project, geared to job seekers 55 – 64 years of age.  Next program will start in April.

1405 Douglas Street

Victoria, BC V8W 2G2

Phone: (250) 381-9074



Steps to Employment Inc., for EI and Reachback clients offers Employment Counselling that assists with job search, career decision-making and other employment related issues.

301- 810 Fort Street

Victoria, BC V8W 1H8

Phone: (250) 953-7600



Work Streams Training Project, for EI and Reachback clients provides career counselling and job search support, also one to one assistance.

965 Alston Street

Victoria, BC V9A 3S5

Phone: (250) 381-2113


Volunteering Is A Good Thing


Volunteering is an excellent way to learn new skills while developing present ones. 


Volunteering can increase your self confidence, knowledge and awareness of another part of your community.


Being a volunteer may assist you in making a career choice or even a career change.


A good place to start:  Volunteer Victoria is located at #306 - 620 View, phone:  386-2269


Also, you are welcome to volunteer with Maturity Works:  phone:  383-5144-ext 1548


Your Advertising


Is Welcome


Call Brigit O’Leary for more information

(250) 383-5144 ext 1548


Thumbs up!


Maturity Works applauds the initiative of the Times Colonist to encourage unemployed workers to submit in 40 words their own employment wanted ad.  We particularly appreciate the Times Colonist offering this as a free service.   In addition, we are encouraged by the joint efforts of the Times Colonist and CHTV to highlight the plight of the unemployed and to dedicate their combined resources to bring job seekers and local businesses together.  This will be appear March 18th


June Newsletter Deadline May 15, 2002