Maturity                                     Volume 1 Number 2

    Works     Newsletter           June 2002                       Phone (250) 383-5144 ext 1548


Maturity Works Society of Greater Victoria is dedicated to inform and support all persons over the age of 40 years concerned with employment and career options in our society.


Greetings from Dennis Eberts-Chairman


Since our April, 2002 debut issue of the Maturity Works Newsletter, there have been several developments pertaining to our mandate. The most important has been the granting of $500 to Maturity Works by the City of Victoria to help fund the periodical you are now holding in your hands. This endowment will greatly help in the regular creation of the newsletter on a monthly basis. We would like to thank those people who carefully considered our application. This contribution to our fiscal survival is much appreciated. We will endeavour to be worthy of the City of Victoria's trust in us and work to help give a voice to people over forty who struggle to find meaningful work despite economic uncertainties and preconceived prejudices.







Older Workers In The News


Southam Newspapers reports that many senior citizens are prone to work past the retirement age of 65. And people past 65 with higher levels of education are more likely to work beyond expected retirement age than are people with less schooling.


"Jobs requiring higher levels of education are often more intellectually challenging and less physically demanding than those with lower educational requirements... That gives rise to the observation that the number of seniors working beyond age 65 will grow, as Canada's 10 million baby boomers... begin reaching the expected retirement age."

The article goes on to mention Jean Chretien as an example of this trend. Our Prime Minister is presently 68 years of age and is quoted in an interview with the CBC  saying, "Some day

I will say it's time to go but it's not today and I’m still


enjoying it, yes...." it being the job of Prime Minister of Canada.


Judging from his recent debacle with his past Minister of Finance and reports of liberal scandal, perhaps we would hope Jean might buck the work past retirement trend.

Dennis Ebert


Just What Is Maturity Works?


Maturity Works is a society created by people over 40 years of age who are concerned with employment, re-employment and hiring trends in the rapidly changing Canadian economies.  We are not a training or employment referral group; rather our goal is to be an advocacy group for the right of access to employment, retraining and education funding for upgrading persons over 40.





By Brigit K. O’Leary


Upon returning back to Canada, I have found my cross-cultural training skills are very useful dealing with our rapidly changing employment/ work sector.  “Mindfulness learning” is a mental state in which we work at being very aware as to what the present circumstances are.  Our best choices are made based on this awareness. As the world is changing, the rules and social codes are changing rapidly too.  We become confused if we keep assessing the situation at hand with what we were used to, such as to when we were growing up, in our last job, with our last partner. 


We cannot rely on the lessons of old literally. Rather we have to draw upon our strengths that allow us to deal with change, even crisis. Change is crisis, even if it is at low level compared to the major disruptions.  Change requires total awareness, living in the present.  Have you ever thought how alive you feel after dealing with an emergency?  That was because you were totally “in the present”, not thinking of yesterday or tomorrow.  Daydreaming, wishing for the old times to return, or assuming that this action is “ok” yet without checking thoroughly… are what leads us to misunderstandings and pain. 


Life is hard these days due to this increased stress. Our “comfort zones” are tested continuously.  Maturity Works was created to be a forum to help you negotiate the new rules, to warn of the traps, the new



codes and encourage you to participate in helping others too.  We all have something

to contribute, mindfully.  At the same time we also need to remember to take “time-out” and give the mind and body (and spirit!) rest and relaxation.  Be good, be clear and be kind to yourself for change is stress as well as opportunity.  And as those from the 12 Step programs say, live one day at a time.



Useful Web Sites

Researched by Paul Fryer


Victoria Human Resource Centre;

Job listings, work search help, and workplace information for work-ready individuals.


Project Literacy Victoria;

Provides adults with free help and support in basic reading, writing, mathematics, life skills and associated computer usage;

Good example of well-organized web site structure.




We are interested in hearing from you.  If you want to submit an article you can phone or email us at  We reserve the right to edit material.  Looking forward to hearing from you!







The following randomly generated list is proof that age does not inhibit many workers.  In fact, age (and its wisdom) appears to be a benefit to these working Canadians:


NAME                 AGE       POSITION/OCCUPATION


Allen Waters                     82            Founder and Chairman, CHUM Ltd.

Farley Mowatt                     82            Author

Pierre Berton                      81             Author

Leslie Nielson                      77            Actor

Norman Jewison                    76            Major Film Director

The Hon. Madame

Justice L’Heureux-Dube 75            Justice of the Supreme Court of


Jimmy Pattison                     73            Chairman, The Jim Pattison Group

The Hon. Mr. Justice

Charles Gonthier            73            Justice of the Supreme Court of


Peter C. Newman            73            Journalist

The Hon. Mr. Justice

John C. Major                       72            Justice of the Supreme Court of


Morley Safer                       70            Broadcaster

Alice Munro                       70            Author

Ted Rogers                      69            Founder, Rogers Communications

Izzy Asper                        69            Executive Chairman, CanWest                                                                                                  Communications

Don Cherry                         68                Broadcaster/ Snappy Dresser

Jean Chretien                     68                Prime Minister

Leonard Cohen                    67                Songwriter/Poet

Carol Shields                      67            Author

David Lewis                        67            United Nations Representative

David Suzuki                      66            Environmental Scientist



Did you know that……


Spectrum Community Association is running an Older Workers Project, geared to job seekers 55 – 64 years of age.  Next program will start in June.

1405 Douglas Street

Victoria, BC V8W 2G2

Phone: (250) 381-9074


Steps to Employment Inc., for EI and Reachback clients offers Employment Counselling that assists with job search, career decision-making and other employment related issues.

301- 810 Fort Street

Victoria, BC V8W 1H8

Phone: (250) 953-7600


Work Streams Training Project, for EI and Reachback clients provides career counselling and job search support, also one to one assistance.

965 Alston Street

Victoria, BC V9A 3S5

Phone: (250) 381-2113



Your Advertising


Is Welcome


Call Dennis Eberts for more information

(250) 383-5144 ext 1548









June 22


Dance Into Summer -  a fundraiser.  At the Curling Rink, 1952 Quadra.  Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Call for tickets 383-5144 (1548)




Parking Lot Sale – If you have anything to donate to the sale, let us know.  Date and location to be announced.


August Newsletter Deadline July 15, 2002




Annual Memberships are available


Unemployed $5.00                                               Employed $15.00


Call (250) 383-5144 ext 1548